The Adventures of Two Couch Potatoes Who Decided to Take On a 5K

Friday, March 5, 2010

T-Minus 1 Day!

After over nine weeks of training, tomorrow is the day!  We will run our first 5K at 7:00 am. 

Both Jill and I have had family in town from Indiana to celebrate and cheer us on, so it's been difficult to find the time to blog together.  However, we will leave you with this one little video clip of our check-in today at Disney's Wide World of Sports:

We will check in tomorrow, after the race, to give you the final run-down of the day's events.  Wish us luck! 


Anonymous said...

Been checking in on your blog for a bit, after seeing it on the C25K f/b funny, and so like my sister and I. My first 5K is April 17th. Hope you had a blast yesterday. CONGRATS! Can't wait to read about. Many blessings!

Heidi said...

Hope the 5K went well! Can't wait to hear about it!